Managing risk without timing the market


We posted the following to our subscribers recently. Thought of sharing it with a wider audience

There was a question from one of the subscribers to which we responded via email. we wanted to share the communication with all of you. We have slightly edited the conversation and added to it


I am fully invested into the model portfolio stocks currently, will I get any panic alert to liquidate portfolio and raise cash and wait for a dip again. Is that how your investing style works or I stay put and be invested at all times. Asking this as, most stocks are trading at all time highs. Is it possible to buy cheap and sell high!?

Our response

We think the underlying question is about timing the market and if we cannot time it, then what will be our course of action? Will we sell in panic to raise cash or just stay put and live through the rollercoaster ride

For starters, we cannot predict the stock market and so can no one else. We have spent 25 years looking at all kinds of systems and approaches and there is none which can predict the market. Some approaches can alert you to the possibility, but there is no fool proof system. If one exists, it is unlikely the practioner will ever share it.

The second part of the question is about a sudden crash and panic selling in response to it. The only scenario where everything just collapses and requires us to liquidate the full portfolio is if a major global catastrophe occurs. Unfortunately, no one can predict or prepare for it.

We have never seen a market where everything collapses suddenly. The worst case was covid which took close to a month to play out.

So how should we navigate this risk if we cannot predict.

We have a defined process to manage risk at the portfolio level and at the risk of repetition, let’s go over it again.

  1. Being diversified: We have 20+ positions in our portfolio with no position exceeding 7% and sector allocation capped below 15%. A collapse in a stock or a sector will hurt us, but not wipe us out
  2. Avoid leverage in the portfolio including F&O: No one can force us to sell
  3. Have sufficient cash: This is not part of our advisory, but 101 of personal finance which all of you should practice. Have proper equity allocation based on your age, and risk tolerance and enough cash to cover personal expenses for 6 months
  4. Stop loss on all positions: This acts as a circuit breaker at the stock and portfolio level. If the stop loss is hit for a stock due to company, sector or market related reason we will exit from a risk management standpoint. We will cap our losses and look for reasons at a later point. These stop losses are reviewed monthly and in advance so that we don’t have to make decisions in the heat of the moment

Our approach is to buy and hold each position till either of these conditions are met.

  • Stock becomes extremely overvalued, and we decide to cut position size to manage risk.
  • Company level issues occur and causes me to lose confidence.
  • Stop loss gets hit for obvious or unknown reasons.
  • A better idea comes along.

In summary we have a process laid out to manage risk level in the portfolio via diversification, position size and finally stop loss so that we don’t have to predict what will happen. As we cannot predict, our only option is to react to what is happening and if a dire situation occurs, we will do what needs to be done

By Rohit Chauhan


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